Minutes of vaad menahel meeting, May 2, 2004

Present: Neil, Pam, Philip, Kobi, Tzvi, Dov, Randi, Penina, Yoni, Warren.

Administrator's Report

The new computer and the email address ([email protected]) are working.

The building is being rented several times a month. Electricity is a major expense (and a major component of the rental fee). We may even be losing money on smaller events for members (who pay less than non-members) because it costs the same to operate the lights and heating/cooling for any size event.

Hershey Katz will asked to become more involved in defining cleaning tasks and supervising their completion. Our own cleanup after kiddush needs improving on which Hershey will be referred to Eudice for details.

Windows need to be closed before locking up. The kiddush toranim will be asked to do this. To assist them, a map of the windows will be posted in the kitchen.

Finance Report

The cost of electricity since moving in has been 15,024 shekels. Mickey Stahl and Hershey Katz will be asked to take a look at ways of reducing electrical usage.

We have enough money in the bank to cover expenses until next year's dues start to arrive. More discussion of finances will take place at the open meeting.

The repairs of the sliding doors cost over NIS 2,000.

Children's Activities

Elyssa Rabinowitz is finishing running the younger children's group, the Melchiors will be taking over.

Gabbayut Issues

Erev Shabbat times, length of dvar halacha and dvar Torah, to be discussed at the open meeting.


The kablan has agreed a list of things to repair and will begin shortly The final payment will not be made until all is finished.


We are $10,000 short of our target.

Review of past events


Congratulations to the mishloach manot crew. Next year will need more volunteers and care to avioid calendar clashes between the baking and the wekly lecture programme.

Concern was expressed over large numbers of children were running around downstairs unsupervised during the megilla reading (and also on Yom Haatzmaut). It was agreed to discuss the issues at the forthcoming open meeting.

Seudah upstairs and shpiel downstairs went well, but there was some scratching of floors. Hershey will be asked to fix rubber feet on the kiddush tables.


Kiddush on Shabbat Chol Hamoed was a success, but in the future people need to be asked to label foods that contain kitniot. Kobi called the vaad's attention to the fact that Erev Pesach falls on Shabbat next year.

The hachnasat Sefer Torah went well, the Rabinowitz family was very pleased. Gabaut and Torah reading during Chol Hamoed need to be better organised in advanced.

Yom Hashoah

Excellent program, attended by over 80 people including several fro Bet Boyer kehilla, who were especially invited.

Yom Haatzmaut

Agreed that this requires planning as a special event, on the purim seuda model, and beginning right after Purim. The structure should be reviewed and could include poetry readings and Shira betsibbbur, in addition to or instead of the present guest lecture

Future events

Open vaad meeting, Monday May 17, 7:30PM. An annotated agenda to be prepared explaining the questions to be discussed on the following topics: Use of building by people and outside groups, finances, children.

Zamir ChoraleConcert (benefit for Yedidya) Thursday, May 20. Price was set at NIS 40, 30 for families of performers.

Parochet: In coordination with the design committee, Kitty Weitz, (who was the United Synagogue of Great Britain's official embroiderer) is finishing a parachet that was designed for use from Pesach to Shavuot. It will be used this year from Shavuot until the Chagim.

Shabbat Telamdeni. The Jewish Feminist Aliance (JOFA) has proclaimed Shabbat Parshat Emor as a learning shabbat in honour of advancing the staus of women in Judaism. Yedidya's invitation to participate, arrived too late for planning any detailed activities. The minhag and halacha committee are considering a programme for a future shabbat, with a Shabbat Iyun to continue the discussion of women and Kriat Torah.

Tikun Leil Shavuot. None of the speakers approached have yet agreed to speak.

Other Business

Welcome new members. Neil has begun a series of meetings with members who joined in two years ago A report will be submitted at the end of the process.

Thursday events. Some have been poorly attended. Ideas needed.

Security: Torahs are insured for damage, not theft, doing so would require installing a safe, and would double or triple our insurance bill. Locks will be therefore be installed on the sanctuary doors,to prevent acess during events taking place downstairs.

Safety: Queries have been made regarding the safety of the access ramp from the women's side to the Aron Kodesh, and the possible need for bars on some of the windows It was agreed to consult Peter Magnus, who is chief safety officer at the Ministry of Labour.

Next meeting

Open Vaad Meeting : Monday 17th. May, 1930.

Regular Vaad meeting: Sunday 30th.May, 1930.

More minutes